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Super Pharmacy for Derriford Hospital Plymouth

Project Case Study
New Automated Pharmacy for Derriford Inpatients Pharmacy
We were asked to help the Derriford Pharmacy team to replan their existing Outpatients pharmacy starting with the replacement of their existing triple robot with a new tandem robot from BD Rowa. A big space at Derriford, with alot going on, planning and optimising the space was the challenge. The team were looking for a highly efficient and safe workplace, that helped them deliver world class healthcare to their customers.
Derriford Hospital Outpatients Pharmacy Plymouth Devon
The T3 Solution
After a well managed collaborative design process working with the Derriford Team we came up with the perfect solution for them, optimising the space, making use of every square inch. a place for everything and everything in its place. What a transformation, a truly super pharmacy space that hits the numbers for the customers, and provides a great place to work for their staff. A great result for all involved, and a Super new pharmacy that hits the mark in every way.
Services Provided
  • concept design
  • survey
  • detailed design
  • joinery design
  • shopfront design
  • planning
  • building regulations
  • project management
  • business planning
  • Praise
    Absolutely fantastic From inception to implementation. I could not have asked for more. A company that understands Pharmacy design and workflow, is pragmatic around limitations of infrastructure and has a passion for delivering quality. Thanks Chris and team!
    Kandarp Thakkar
    Chief Pharmacist